The adductor pollicis is a muscle in the hand that’s involved in movements of the thumb. Specifically, the muscle is used in thumb adduction, which is movement toward the plane of the palm .The adductor pollicis is made up of two separate heads which work together but have different origin...
Her digit muscles had spasticity, and the reflexes of her supinator and biceps were brisk. The power and reflexes of her left upper limb were normal. Coordination was normal in both upper limbs. In the lower limbs the only finding was the presence of symmetrical exaggerated adductor reflexes....
The other elevated line, the pectin pubis, is positioned on the flat portion of the pubic bone known as the superior ramus. Both of the pectineal lines are connected to each other by a flat rectangle of muscle called the pectineus muscle, a strong inner thigh muscle responsible for the ...
The obturator nerve arises from the spinal levels of the 2nd-4th lumbar vertebrae (L2-L4), exits the pelvis through the obturator canal behind the superior ramus of the pubis, and innervates the adductor muscles of the medial compartment of the thigh. The cutaneous branch of the obturator ner...
aCognitive tests were performed prior to and after the acceleration profiles. Relaxed G-tolerance was significantly higher under the caffeine session, whereas SACM duration did not differ among the drink conditions. Hip adductor muscle strength was lower during the placebo session than during the other...
It also is where a small number of fibers from the top end of the adductor magnus muscle of the inner thigh connect to the femur. At the top of the femur, the portions of bone known as the head and neck angle inward from the shaft of the femur to insert into the hip socket. The...