results of scalp fungal culture were negative. electrocardiogram (ecg) and echocardiogram were normal. photoprotection was recommended and use of hydrocortisone ointment, 2.5%, was started twice daily for 2 weeks. the scalp lesions resolved by 6 months of age with no sequelae. no further ...
A TEE is a special type of echocardiogram that takes pictures of the back of the heart through the esophagus (the tube leading from the mouth to the stomach). TEE also is often used to define complex heart defects.Catheter procedures also are sometimes used during surgery to help repair ...
But if your doctor finds one before it bursts, and it's small, it may be safer to watch it for a while than to have surgery right away. You'll need to have it checked after 6 months with a CT scan or echocardiogram to measure it again. How often you need another scan will depend...
repolarisation abnormalities and negative T waves in several leads The echocardiogram showed a moderately impaired left ventricular ejection fraction (40%) with segmental wall motion abnormalities: she had apical and midventricular hypokinesia of the left ventricle, whereas the basal segments were ...