Theropods. Among the largest theropods, the holotype ofGiganotosaurushas a femur length of 143 cm (4 ft, 8 in; Coria and Salgado 1995), and ‘Sue’ theT. rex(a.k.a. FMNH PR2081) has a right femur 132 cm long (4 ft, 4 in; Brochu 2003). So a four-foot femur from a therop...
Theropods. Among the largest theropods, the holotype ofGiganotosaurushas a femur length of 143 cm (4 ft, 8 in; Coria and Salgado 1995), and ‘Sue’ theT. rex(a.k.a. FMNH PR2081) has a right femur 132 cm long (4 ft, 4 in; Brochu 2003). So a four-foot femur from a therop...
) * Giganotosaurus Rage Mode will no longer target other Giganotosaurus' on the same team * Fixed rare server-side crash associated with level streaming * Steam 'Big Picture' now Defaults to FullscreenWindowed Mode * Steam Controller 'Big Picture' Text Input Entry 1.更多流传输性能/帧数改进...
Among the largest theropods, the holotype of Giganotosaurus has a femur length of 143 cm (4 ft, 8 in; Coria and Salgado 1995), and ‘Sue’ the T. rex (a.k.a. FMNH PR2081) has a right femur 132 cm long (4 ft, 4 in; Brochu 2003). So a four-foot femur from a theropod ...