binocular microscope binoculars binocular vision binocular-vision binodal binomial binomial distribution binomial-distribution binomial regression bint binturong bio- bioactive compound bioavailability biobank英汉词典包含213609条英汉翻译词条,涵盖了常用英语单词及词组短语的翻译及用法,是英语学习的必备工具。Copyright...
The structural diagram (generated by Michael Greci with the program Spartan 4.1.1 from Wavefunction) is superimposed on a picture of a crystal of the samarium compound [Sm(C5Me5)3], which was taken inside a specially modified Vacuum/Atmospheres glovebox by using a Panasonic videomicroscope, ...
4.1.1 from Wavefunction) is superimposed on a picture of a crystal of the samarium compound [Sm(C5Me5)3], which was taken inside a specially modified Vacuum/Atmospheres glovebox by using a Panasonic videomicroscope, a McBain fiber-optic light pipe, and a Minolta Snappy video capture device...
The photographic techniques covered in the book include the direct use of a 35 mm camera, and photography through stereo- and compound microscopes to look at images down to the micron scale. There is a section on digitally altering images, for example coloring scanning electron microscope (SEM)...
(ii) Compound effect (CE; B). Owing to the notched line, movement of nutrients and signals between the two endosperms is severely restricted, trapping the influence of the embryo in the lower endosperm. Note that the 2/3 interface between the upper and lower is blocked by the notched ...
An embedded-atom potential has been constructed for the intermetallic compound $B2ensuremath{-}mathrm{NiAl}$ by fitting to both experimental properties and ab initio data. The ab initio data have been generated in the form of energy-volu... Y Mishin,MJ Mehl,DA Papaconstantopoulos - 《Physical...
A sample of the nail can be examined under a microscope to detect fungi. The nails must be clipped and cleaned with an alcoholswab to remove bacteria and dirt so the fungal structures can be more easily visualized with a microscope.
ascomycetes produce eight spores in each ascus, but some produce many more, Many are so small that it is impossible to study them without a microscope, and so in this Guide attention is focused only on the larger forms, most of which come within the orders Pezizales, Helotiales and Sph...
The peak-to-peak outputs of circuits 20 and 40 are in the ratio of, for example, 1 to 7. A scanning electron microscope recording apparatus 70 of the type disclosed in Specification 1,392,203 receives the output of clipper 60 to record a master disc from which replicas are made in the...
The peak-to-peak outputs of circuits 20 and 40 are in the ratio of, for example, 1 to 7. A scanning electron microscope recording apparatus 70 of the type disclosed in Specification 1,392,203 receives the output of clipper 60 to record a master disc from which replicas are made in the...