That’s FMNH PR 25107, better known as a the holotype ofBrachiosaurus altithorax— the biggest known dinosaur at the time of its description (Riggs 1903) and still for my money one of the most elegant, along withits buddy and one-time genus-mateGiraffatitan brancai. ...
Milo’s earliest memory was of watching his beloved tricycle float into the sky above him, caught in a beam of light. Poison Apple ulleovia Pixabay To join the club, all Aaron had to do was creep up and snatch the apple from the skeleton’s hand without being seen. Giraffe Council Spo...
After the meal, you’ll have most of a turkey skeleton to play with. This diagram is from my other‘holiday dinosaur’ page, which I put together for the Lawrence Hall of Science and UCMP back in 2005. That page has instructions on how to turn your pile of greasy leftovers into a nic...
But Did You Do Anything Out of the Ordinary? I Think I'm Feeling a Little Sick Myself Never Match Wits with a Warlock or a Dinosaur. Least of All a Dinosaur Who is a Warlock! Time for Plan B Working Title: Some Sort of "Time" Pun. "Brother, Can You Spare a Time?" Something ...
One day, two brothers discover a magical animal kingdom behind their bookcase. They are greeted by the royal lion with his shaggy mane; ask for directions from an old lonely tortoise; take a ride on some lumbering elephants; topple a skeleton of dinosaur bones; and swim among a school of...
(Salmo); on a visit to the OMNH I found them in a tuna (Thunnus). Jessie and I visited Dinosaur Journey in Fruita, Colorado, and found examples inCamarasaurus,Diplodocus, and moreApatosaurusvertebrae than you can shake a stick at (as always, many thanks to the MWC Director of ...
I’m a sucker for dinosaur skin. It’s just mind-blowing that we can tell more or less what it would feel like to pet a dinosaur. Among the memorable talks last year: Win McLaughlin educated me about rhinos, which are a heck of a lot weirder than I thought; Larisa DeSantis gave ...
Mounted skeleton of Omeisaurus tianfuensis: N E C C Bonus observation #1: the holotype of Mamenchisaurus hochuanensis has a cervical/dorsal ratio of 3.52, but in Omeisaurus tianfuensis the same ratio is 4.09. So Xinjiangtitan is actually a little shorter-necked than Omeisaurus, at least com...
of the molds and the casting of a skeleton. We still have the molds in Vernal, and any museum, anywhere, is welcome to them just for hauling them off. […] The Diplodocus on the lawn of the Utah Field House is the eleventh replica to be cast from the molds […] Does anyone wish...
and took pages and pages of notes. Describing even an incomplete sauropod skeleton is a big job, so don’t expect that paper this year, but it will be along in due course. CM 555 may not be the most completeBrontosaurusskeleton in the world, but our ambition is to make it the best...