Galen911“A Quest To Aim High” Ruth E Hendricks Photography Book Quest In Da Campo Rose Hips thoughts and entanglements Weekly Photo Challenge:Waves JaniceHeck A Quest of Another Kind Tangled Webs This Mission…Quest…Thing Midlife Crisis Crossover! Another Convention, Another Series of...
for the year 2002 there are 10 federal holidays set by law. Four are set by date (New Year's Day, Independence Day, Veterans Day, and Christmas Day). The other six are set by a day of the week and month: Martin Luther King, Jr.'s Birthday, Washington's Birthday, Memorial Day, ...
This is Another Story Crazy Horse Memorial Towering Heritage – Travel with Intent bodhisattvaintraining irish Maputo on the make – Different Lines Sound Mind Journey taking root: the use of heritage maisiethenewfieandcompany Weekly photo challenge: Heritage Sleepless in Ginza – SoMuchToTel...
Paula Crone, DO (now interim provost of the university), got to work right away with University Advancement to set up the Vicki Wedel PhD Memorial Scholarship