These pages contain a bunch of pictures snapped by Stephen Petro (> 1964 convertible with the hood up. This is a very shiny car. CLICK-> 1964 was the first year for the GTO. Here is a lineup of show cars. CLICK-> 1964 car with poverty caps. Is black...
Pontiac GTO - Ultimate Pontiac GTO Picture Site by Sean Mattingly. Many images of 1964 thru 2006 Pontiac GTO cars. See Pontiac LeMans and Pontiac Tempest cars too. The largest GTO picture collection on the Internet! See the Picture Of The Week here.
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Pontiac GTO - Ultimate Pontiac GTO Picture Site by Sean Mattingly. Many images of 1964 thru 2006 Pontiac GTO cars. See Pontiac LeMans and Pontiac Tempest cars too. The largest GTO picture collection on the Internet! See the Picture Of The Week here.
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The first show on this page was held June 24th, 2000. It was the Indy GTO Association show called "Day At The Track". All Pontiacs were invited. The show cars were situated in the parking lot of the Brickyard Crossing Hotel in Indianapolis.The...