I’ve seen plenty of regular mounts, and I’ve seen panel mounts where the bones are laid out on the ground as they may have been when they were found. And I’ve seen photos of the bizarre everted-elbowed Diplodocus in St. Petersburg. But never an exhibit like this, with the rib-...
2. If you are installing it in a shelf, figure out if you want to install the picture with the brackets inside the shelf (like an inside mount window shade) or outside the shelf. Inside mounts are a little neater since the roller hardware is hidden by the shelving, but you need about...
Filed in 100% totally real, AMNH, Barosaurus, basement, collections, diplodocids, goofy, ilium, mounts, museums, public galleries, stinkin' appendicular elements, stinkin' mammals, stinkin' theropods, travel 5 Comments » DIY project: remodel your basement… March 22, 2012 Mike gets a shot...
“This is Chuck checking his gas tank after he mounts his motorcycle… This is the off-on switch Chuck flips to the run position, after he opens the gas valve and turns the key…” Young kids who like motorcycles should absolutely love Lucky Chuck. And J. Winslow Higginbottom contributed ...
has moved to Washington D.C. That, combined with my new, but, unfortunately silent, camera, will mean some very fresh stuff onthe sitein the future. Man, I really need to get the tons, tons, and more tons of Virginia BBWs I’ve got left so I an finally get to posting the new ...
rather than slightly behind. Honestly, my intention was to pull the surrounds down from their mounts and perch them in a more favorable position whilst working on the review during the day, and hang them back up near the ceiling before the missus got home so as to, you know, stay married...
Otherwise people are going to read your abstract, and go away with the message “this snake had a body of some specific size, and had a distribution, and that provides some insights”. Is that what you want? Huh? Huh? No. Didn’t think so. ...
Filed inAlamosaurus,cervical,mounts,museums,stinkin' mammals,stinkin' SV-POW!sketeers,titanosaur,travel,Uncategorized 23 Comments » Some further thoughts onPatagotitan August 10, 2017 A bunch of stuff, loosely organized by theme. Media First up, I need to thank Brian Switek, who invited me ...
Filed in #Brontosmash, Apatosaurus, Carnegie Museum, cervical, cervical ribs, diplodocids, mounts, museums, necks, rhea, stinkin' theropods 1 Comment » Putative atlantal ribs of Diplodocus November 23, 2022 Last time, I showed you a photo of the head and neck of the London Diplodocus...
Filed in mamenchisaur, mounts, People we like, stinkin' mammals, stinkin' SV-POW!sketeers, travel 13 Comments » The epipophyses of Qijianglong and other sauropods February 2, 2015 Introduction and Background An epipophysis in a neural arch of a juvenile Apatosaurus, CM 555. From th...