Aura Frames | The world's smartest digital picture frame. Aura is an easy and beautiful solution to instantly frame photos from your phone. Download our app, connect your digital photo frame to WiFi, and watch your family smile.
Aura Frames | The world's smartest digital picture frame. Aura is an easy and beautiful solution to instantly frame photos from your phone. Download our app, connect your digital photo frame to WiFi, and watch your family smile.
Canada, "the machine" into which prisoners were secured for paddling in Ontario provincial institutions, 1950s (artist's impression in colour) Canada, whipping frame and cat-o-nine-tails (applied to the upper back) sometimes used in judicial CP sentences instead of the leather paddle - picture...
COTD is intended to be the replacement, a decade on, forWalking With Dinosaurs. I’m happy to report that one of the featured critters isSauroposeidon. I grabbed a couple of frames from the clips postedhere. I haven’t seen the series yet, because I don’t have cable. But I’m hopin...