which provides several scores indicating the spatial accuracy of the map. The two measures considered in these analyses are Canonical Organization and Landmarks Missing. After optimal rotation, translation, and scaling of the sketch map to match the correct template, Canonical Organization measures conf...
Throughout the study, orthographic or form RB effects were constantly found in all experiments, whereas the semantic RB effect was only significant in the experiment with picture materials but not with word materials. We thus conclude that the processing of Chinese words is more like that for Eng...
There is a currently unanswered SAS Communities posting that raises similar behaviour but that was concerning the Graph Template Language () , whereas this is bog standard SAS and Proc GChart and the trail went cold on that other posting in 2011. I have put together a simple se...
motion correction (FSL MCFLIRT), B0 unwarping with field mapping, slice timing correction, spatial smoothing (FWHM = 5 mm), high-pass filtering, coregistration (first to the participants’ own brain-extracted structural image, then to the MNI space using the MNI 152 T1 2-mm template), and ...
There is a currently unanswered SAS Communities posting that raises similar behaviour but that was concerning the Graph Template Language () , whereas this is bog standard SAS and Proc GChart and the trail went cold on that other posting in 2011. I have put together a simple se...
In the context of e-commerce, online travel agencies often derive useful information from online reviews to improve transactions. Based on the dispute on the usefulness of different types of reviews and social exchange theory, this study investigates how