On Kauai, the oldest island in the Hawaiian archipelago, it's not unusual to find rocky cliffs right next to sandy beaches at the shore. But at Kawailoa Bay, near Mahaʻulepu Beach, the rugged landscape deserves a closer look—because it's actually composed of ancient sand that slowly ...
On Kauai, the oldest island in the Hawaiian archipelago, it's not unusual to find rocky cliffs right next to sandy beaches at the shore. But at Kawailoa Bay, near Mahaʻulepu Beach, the rugged landscape deserves a closer look—because it's actually composed of ancient sand that slowly ...
On Kauai, the oldest island in the Hawaiian archipelago, it's not unusual to find rocky cliffs right next to sandy beaches at the shore. But at Kawailoa Bay, near Mahaʻulepu Beach, the rugged landscape deserves a closer look—because it's actually composed of ancient sand that slowly ...
On Kauai, the oldest island in the Hawaiian archipelago, it's not unusual to find rocky cliffs right next to sandy beaches at the shore. But at Kawailoa Bay, near Mahaʻulepu Beach, the rugged landscape deserves a closer look—because it's actually composed of ancient sand that slowly ...
Thebluish color of their "glow" is unusualamong creatures that exhibit bioluminescence (or the ability to "light up," thanks to a chemical reaction in the body). Although these lightning bugs are abundant locally, they're found in very few places throughout the world—and they only appear ...
We've been busy doing a little digital spring-cleaning-fixing bugs and fine-tuning things, so your creativity can continue to blossom. We launch new features and content all the time between app releases, so keep an eye out on our socials for the latest updates!
Kissing bugs might sound sweet, but they’re carriers of the deadly Chagas disease,the American formof trypanosomiasis, or "African sleeping sickness.” The bugsbite hosts on the thin skinnear their eyes or mouth ("kissing” them) and leave behind droppings that infect through the wound. They...
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