He shares my propensity for anxiety, and when he reaches a certain threshold of stress, behavioral ticks can begin to arise. And so I don’t bother him with extra tasks or house rules. He’s a good kid, he’s a kind and thoughtful person. All he desires is to make airplanes and ...
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Michigan devotes several provisions to the regulation of wolf-dogsin memory of Angie Nickerson, a 5-year-old who was killed by the animal in 1989. Her mother advocated for the passage of legislation to prevent future deaths by wolf-dogs and other potentially dangerous animals. ...
The 8-inch-long red-billed oxpecker gets much of its food from large animals like cattle, eating flies, maggots, and ticks off the animals' bodies. In this photo, four red-billed oxpeckers take a ride on a buffalo in Maasai Mara, Kenya. ...
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