I've also added a dozen pics to the picture gallery. Late afternoon, driver's side My helper. He got a big kick out of turning my key on and off. It was all fun and games until he started honking at me. LOL Full frontal angelity at dusk Uh...ignore the w
Plant ice cream tulips bulbs in the fall. At the latest, the bulbs should be in the soil before the ground freezes. This variety needs a period of cold to bloom once it warms up in the spring. How To Plant Ice Cream Cone Tulips Choose a location that receives full sun to plant your...
The Nineos have worked well for me for years (in other vehs) and are better than the halogens I pulled out of my civic. Also reference to the color they are 500k above what is considered pure white. While there is some blue it is very minor. The LED driving light that runs along...
Miranda Lambert carries on a long tradition of country women as mistresses with "More Like Her," an all-time great song, even if she chooses not to play it live much anymore. Her man has gone back home, leaving her with a hardened heart by the end of this ballad. It was a Top 20...
re a brand as powerful and beloved as Chanel, there’s no reason not to do everything you want. For Spring 2017, that meant realizing the collection’s data center theme not just with embroidery and detailing made of wires and cords, but also with plenty of bags that actually light up....
The lighting in the pictures is a little on the yellow side, due to the light bulbs. We are going to put in "reveal" bulbs to reduce the yellow. I wish I had "before" pictures, but I totally forgot to take them. Picture this: pepto bismol pink 4x4 ceramic tile in shower and ...
However, the final postcard in my very small collection of lighthouses is a “souvenir” I picked up in San Francisco after a visit to Alcatraz Island. Alcatraz Island Lighthouse The Alcatraz Island Lighthouse was the first one built on the U.S. West Coast, located in California’s ...
This shot is always a very tough test of a camera's white balance capability, given the strong, yellowish color cast of the household incandescent bulbs used for the lighting. Both the DSC-P32's Auto and Incandescent white balance settings responded with similar, warm results, though the Auto...
This shot is always a very tough test of a camera's white balance capability, given the strong, yellowish color cast of the household incandescent bulbs used for the lighting. The P10's Auto white balance setting did the best job here, with only a slight warm cast. (The Incandescent setti...
Perhaps it was just that brand or the fact that they were 150W bulbs (want to still have plenty of light). I'm thinking of playing around with some other types of bulbs, but still want to be able to dim them.<BR><BR>So can anything that fits in a standard lamp so...