He got attacked by a rogue bee's nest today and took a couple of stings but I fought them off him and nursed him this evening. He’s back to his normal hooligan self thankfully. Good luck in your hunt for a new best friend Reactions: Scepticalscribe and Hughmac Hughmac mac...
Bumblebees can sting more than once because their stingers don’t stay in their victims. However, they’re generally docile and will only sting if their nest is in immediate danger.Although humans can be allergic to their venom, most Bumblebee stings don’t require medical attention. Bumblebe...
Last modified by mikbee on 18 May 2015 12:42PM NDODS Plus 14 7.9k 134 18 May 2015 1:41PM Like1 I love your point of view, composition and capture of image one, but for me its image two that really captures ones imagination. One can almost feel the grains of sand as they whi...
I mean if there’s a cockroach in close proximity I’ll run away screaming until someone else has dealt with it…but with spiders, I just try to give them their space and leave them alone. At the beginning of April my brother found an amazing gold web in our garden, constructed and i...