Director Robert Wiene made 'The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari' four years earlier, and it's the better and more influential film, but 'The Hands of Orlac' is more structured as a story. (It's been remade several times since.) A concert pianist loses his hands in an accident, so he enlist...
Boy 'made of glass' has a strong heart Determined mum gives birth to a healthy baby girl following cancer battle Mud Hero takes over Toronto Monkey and chicken strike up friendship in Isreal Photographer creates panoramic firework photos Enough to melt your wallet! Britain's most expensive ice-...
5. Start positive affirmation to reprogram your subconscious (often there can be unconscious thought patterns leftover from early childhood or past life that can manifest/attract these sorts of things into our lives). I personally have found a little cheap software program called Sculptor3 by Affi...