在Apple Music 上收听群星的《Pics or it didn't happen》。2023年。80 首歌曲。时长:3 小时 36 分钟
There’s always tension between experience-for-itself and experience-for-documentation, but social media have brought that strain to its breaking point. Temporary photography is in part a response to social-media users’ feeling saddled with the distraction of documentary vision. It rejects the burde...
Pics or it didn’t happen 有图有真相Shenzhen Daily 2023-08-03 06A: OMG I met Elon Musk in a bar last night and we hung out all night drinking beer together! B: Sure you did. Pics or it didn’t happen. Note: This slang term is often used in online communications, such as ...
Pics or it didn't happen: Instagram in prosumer capitalism and reflexive modernity. (Mas- ter Thesis). Lund University, Lund, Sweden.Frey, A. (2012). Pics or id Didn't Happen: Instagram in Prosumer Capitalism and Reflexive Modernity. Department of Arts and Cultural Science. Lund: Lund ...
Pics, or it didn't happen. 字面意思:图片呢,要不然就是没发生过。 地道翻译:无图无真相 pics就是pictures (n.图片) or此处是“否则”之意 英文早餐Eric ,赞79 ⭐解释⭐ Used in online communications, such as Internet forums or ...
a little spendy buy but, I didnt whant to put kid gloves on while packing it around, I can throw it in back of the pick-up, back seat, leave it on the roof of the car and forget about it (uhh maybe not) and not be concerned about it getting wet or damagedbac...
One of the most important things in a red teamer’s job is evidence. If you can’t demonstrate impact and make a risk real, it’s as if you didn’t find the problem. Screenshots go a long way towards this. Cobalt Strike has several options to capture screenshots during your engagement...
enwiktionary-2017-09 显示算法生成的翻译 将“pics or it didn't happen"自动翻译成 中文 错误 Glosbe Translate 错误 Google Translate 添加示例 在上下文、翻译记忆库中将“pics or it didn't happen"翻译成 中文 变形干 匹配词 Pics or it didn't happen. ...
on Mars after the Soviet Union and United States. It is also the first nation to land a Mars rover on its first attempt. "At present," said CNSA, "the rover is carrying out preparations for leaving the landing platform, and will select an opportunity to drive onto the surface of Mars....