USB host/device implementation using PIO of raspberry pi pico (RP2040). - Pico-PIO-USB/src/pio_usb_host.c at main · sekigon-gonnoc/Pico-PIO-USB
Pico-PIO-USB USB host/device implementation using PIO of raspberry pi pico (RP2040). You can add additional USB port to RP2040. Demo demo.mp4 Project status Planned FeaturesStatus FS Host✔ LS Host✔ Hub support✔ Multi port✔ ...
As per 11.1.1 of the RP2350 datasheet, a new registerGPIOBASEis added to specify which pin the PIO treats as GPIO 0: For RP2350 the valid values are 0 and 16, indicating the PIO instance has access to pins 0-31, or 16-47 respectively:...