pico-go 使用了serialport来访问 usb 设备,这包含了更底层的能力,是一个 node cpp 模块。 作者使用了另一个仓库cpwood/Bindings-Builder,来手动指定 vscode、electron以及对应的 module 版本,然后通过 github action 触发构建,并自动推送到 Pico-Go 的仓库。 你需要阅读一下用于自动构建的仓库的 README,然后 fork...
.vscode Fix#46 Mar 7, 2021 images Update image URL in README Mar 4, 2021 native_modules Merge branch 'develop' ofhttps://github.com/cpwood/Pico-Gointo develop Aug 7, 2021 src Fix#86 May 4, 2021 stubs Fix#85 May 4, 2021
ms-python.vscode-pylance| [Install][Show] Environment (Linux only): On most Linux installations the device file of the Pico serial port is owned by root and a group you normal don't have by default (except on Raspberry Pi OS). This leads to timeout and access denied errors when Micro...
.vscode build cmd dev-scripts docs e2e garbagecollect handlers picoshare file_lifetime.go file_lifetime_test.go guest_link.go picoshare.go settings.go random space store .dockerignore .envrc .eslintrc.cjs .gitignore .prettierignore .prettierrc CONTRIBUTING.md Dockerfile LICENSE README.md docker...
.github .vscode build cmd dev-scripts docs e2e garbagecollect handlers auth parse static templates auth.go csp.go db_dev.go db_prod.go delete.go delete_test.go download.go download_test.go guest_links.go guest_links_test.go json.go routes.go server.go settings.go settings_test.go static...