research.The framework for the PICO (population, intervention, comparison intervention, outcome) question was developed for use in the field of medicine to help determine the best treatment or intervention for a patient. However, use of the PICO question often fails to make sense when the problem...
In PICO 'P' stands for problem or patient, 'I' for intervention, 'C' for comparison and 'O' for outcome. First, the PICO-question is formulated. Next, the relevant domain (therapy/ prevention, diagnosis, etiology/risk or prognosis) is established, along with the type of research by ...
Research Question (PICO) P: patients with head and neck cancer I: pretreatment swallowing exercises C: no pretreatment exercises O: affect on postreatment swallowing QOL This prospective cohort study aimed evaluate the efficacy of pretreatment swallowing exercises in improving postreatment swallowing...
为进一步细化所构建的问题,Schardt等[12]还提出了PICOTT模型,其中两个T分别代表问题的类型(Type of question being asked)以及研究设计的类型(Type of study design)。有了这两个构建条件的限制,在对相关问题的检索中可较大程度地缩小检索范围,减少检索到的文献数目。 尽管PICO模型已被广泛熟知,但对于临床问题构建...
Parts of thePICOquestion: P:Patientsthat participate in the change of shift nursing report. I: Change of shift nursing reports at the bedside. C:Patientsthat are not involved with change of shift reports. O: Improvement of the safety and quality ofpatientcare. What ...
PICO is a format for developing a good clinical research question prior to starting one’s research. The PICO process starts with a case scenario from which a question is constructed that is relevant to the case and is phrased in such a way as to facilitate finding an answer. Once a well...
为进一步细化所构建的问题,Schardt等[12]还提出了PICOTT模型,其中两个T分别代表问题的类型(Type of question being asked)以及研究设计的类型(Type of study design)。有了这两个构建条件的限制,在对相关问题的检索中可较大程度地缩小检索范围,减少检索到的文献数目。 尽管PICO模型已被广泛熟知,但对于临床问题构建...
[9], the SPIDER tool produced a greatly reduced number of initial hits to sift through, however in this study it missed five studies that were identified through the PICO method. This may be partly be explained by the nature of the research question prompting the search. As this study ...
The question that guides a search of research evidence to support or refine management practice also plays a key role, similar to a research question, in structuring and guiding the search process. This guiding question is called a PICO question: (P) patient, population, or process of interest...