The tense change is shown within the first part of the phrase to highlight past or future use. For example,pick upbecomespicked up todesignate past events, andpicking upto designate future events. Examples of How to Use Pickup in a Sentence ...
I picked this coat up at the sale. 我在大减价时买的这件外套。 We managed to pick up a few bargains at the auction.我们从拍卖场买到了几件便宜货。 3、意为“感染;得到”,例如: I think I picked up Tommy's cold.我想我是感染了汤米的感冒。 Qualified specialists can pick up over $100 an...
How to Use Em Dashes (—), En Dashes (–) , and Hyphens (-) 'Sneaked' or 'Snuck': Which is correct? What's the difference between 'fascism' and 'socialism'? More Commonly Misspelled Words Words You Always Have to Look Up Popular in Wordplay ...
1.To acquire casually or by accident:不经意得到:随便或偶然地获得: picked up a mink coat on sale.拍卖时随手买了一件貂皮大衣 2.To acquire (knowledge) by learning or experience: 学得:通过学习或经历获得(知识): picked up French very quickly.很快地学起法语来3.To claim:认领,索取: picked up...
Pickup的英文解释:the act of picking someone or something up, or the place where it happens[informal] a person who is picked upa device on an electrical musical instrument or a record player that causes sounds to be produced or made louderan increase or improvementa pickup truck[US informal...
2.One that is picked up, especially: a.Passengers or freight:Taxi drivers expect good tips from airport pickups. b.InformalA hitchhiker. c.SlangA stranger with whom casual acquaintance is made, usually in anticipation of sexual relations. ...
8. 逮捕(某人)例: He was implicated in a murder, and sooner or later they would pick him up. 他与一宗谋杀案有牵连,迟早他们会抓住他的。The prisoners missing were picked up within forty-eight hours. 那些失踪的罪犯在 48 小时内就被逮捕了。9. 重新开始(中断的工作等)例: We picked up the...
The meaning of PICKUP is one that is picked up. How to use pickup in a sentence.
分拣的意思。[pɪk ʌp]拿起;提起;拾起;捡起;He picked his cap up from the floor and stuck it back on his head.他从地板上拾起帽子,重新戴在头上。分拣是将物品按品种、出入库先后顺序进行分门别类地堆放的作业。分拣是完善送货、支持送货的准备性工作,是不同配送企业在送货时...