exportdefaultclass DependentPickListInLWC extends LightningElement {//存储controlling picklist的所有的值@track masterValues =[];//存储dependent picklist的所有的值@track controllingValues =[];//选择的controlling picklist 的值@track selectedMasterValue;//选择的dependent picklist的值@track selectedControlli...
https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/component-library/documentation/en/lwc/lwc.reference_wire_adapters_picklist_values_record Salesforce lwc中给我们提供了很多优秀的wire adapter使我们的开发更加便捷,比如getPicklistValues以及getPicklistValuesByRecordType 可以实现获取某个字段或者某个record type所有picklist...
I have a use case like in first column I need to dispaly some valuein first column which is a text value , according to that i need to make next
lwc中给我们提供了很多优秀的wire adapter使我们的开发更加便捷,比如getPicklistValues以及getPicklistValuesByRecordType 可以实现获取某个字段或者某个...record type所有picklist类型字段的picklistvalues。...所以当项目中使用到 Event & Task 进行自定义开发需要获取某个或者某些字段的picklistvalues的值时,如果...
search resources, browse documentation, log cases, and more. visit the help center company company our values our values we are guided by our values and strive to do well in business while doing good in our communities. see what drives us our impact our impact business is the greate...
In this article, we’ll explore the limitations that come alongside the multi-select picklists, as well as formatting or quirks you should pay attention to. Meet the Multi-Select Picklist Simply put, this field type is a picklist that allows users to select multiple values from a predefined...
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如果需求不明确,或者需要指定的record type显示指定的picklist values,而 record type配置的 picklist values又可以实时变动的场景来说简直是灾难的,所以有了这篇的针对 LwC公用的方法的实现思路。代码并不完善,思路仅供参考。 思路分析: 1. 后台如何构建,需要满足哪些场景;...
search resources, browse documentation, log cases, and more. visit the help center company company our values our values we are guided by our values and strive to do well in business while doing good in our communities. see what drives us our impact our impact busines...