Picking up the LEFTovers ; The battered Left Front shifts into sop gear to woo minorities and tribals for the next poll battle.Abhijit Dasgupta
Make your product more playful: Consumers want to see products that reflect their world. By staying up-to-date on cultural trends and shifts, you can ensure that your products remain always relevant and engaging even at the point-of-purchase. AI can ignite a spark of creativity by providin...
Some startups, such as Woom Health and B-wom, focus on wellbeing, while others such as Emjoy are tapping into the sexual wellness space. Second, from a family perspective, we have Lactapp, an app dedicated to breastfeeding and motherhood; Doppli allows continuous monitoring of a baby's ...
Collins extends this principle to halftime discussions, end-of-game scenarios, and momentum shifts, reiterating that concise, clear direction empowers players to handle the game’s dynamic shifts effectively. For more in-depth coaching resources, he invites listeners to attend his free Win This ...