The best and most extensive collection of funny pick up lines on the web. Thousand’s of chat up lines organized into over eighty different categories. Learn these and you could become a master pickup artist!
Pick Up Lines For Girls - Women, learn how to attract men using our funny pick up lines for girls and our article collection
Funny pick up lines - Get all the best, cheesy, dirty and funny pickup lines for guys and girls. Get tips and articles on how to attract women by David DeAngelo
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Here is a collection of the top 50 best sweet pickup lines and chat up lines for picking up guys or girls at a bar. Sure, some of them are way too cheesy, but sometimes cheesy mixed with sincerity does have a sweetness and vulnerability to it… of course...
Ever had a crush on someone and wonder what to say? Cute pickup lines can never fail, because they're harmless and they bring a smile to people's faces. Sure, sometimes pickup lines can be dirty, but it's all in good fun, right?
Twenty of the best, dirtiest, raunchiest, funniest pick up lines to send to your dating app matches or situationships.
Check out the best pickup lines for girls and boys below for smooth beginnings: “Hello, would you be available for an interview as part of my research paper about enjoying life’s little pleasures?” “May I know your name, or can I call you mine?” ...
40 Best Tinder Pickup Lines for Girls and Guys 2024 Want to hookup fast? DownloadDOWN hookup appforIOSor DOWN Hookup App forAndroidnow and start flirting! It’s a match!! Great, now what? If you don’t know how to start a conversation, sendingpickup linesis a good way to do it...
Pickup Lines for Girls Woman's Day I think someone must have stolen the stars and put them in your eyes. Have we met before? You look a lot like the love of my life. Your hand looks heavy, can I hold it for you? Is your name Chamomile? Because you look like a hot-tea. ...