Boost your flirting with RIZZ lines. Master smooth pick up lines, get expert tips, and try our secure tool for personalized chat suggestions.
The best and most extensive collection of funny pick up lines on the web. Thousand’s of chat up lines organized into over eighty different categories. Learn these and you could become a master pickup artist!
Flirty Pickup Lines 101. "At what age did you realize you were so attractive?" 102. "The sun must be jealous of your light because you’ve got the brightest smile I’ve seen in the longest time." 103. "By any chance, are you related to [insert attractive celebrity]? Because you ...
4. Throw a witty anti-pick-up line to respond to pick-up lines over text Funny responses to pick-up lines are always a hit. In fact,studiesshow that men, regardless of their physical appearance, come across as more socially attractive when using a humorous pick-up line. So, to help y...
When using cute pick up lines online, you should definitely take it slow. Test the water before revealing more of your personality. Sarcasm and dark humor don’t usually translate well in written text. Thus, being a bit gentler than you normally would be in real life is the way to go....
These 155 dirty pickup lines—listed from least to most raunchy—are great to use when talking or texting with a significant other or friend with benefits.
We have flirty pickup lines, funny ones, sexy and sweet. Whatever vibe you're going for, try one of these on your next dating app match or a cutie in person.
Now let me give youthe lines… Openers Use these to start new conversations. For groups of girls:“You guys are having WAY too much fun over here.” If you come up suddenly:“Sorry I’m late,” or, “Whew! Traffic was murder. Glad to see you got started without me.” ...
Pick Up Lines Love Flirty • Your hand looks heavy can I hold it for you? • Hey, tie your shoes! I don’t want you falling for anyone else. • See my friend over there? He wants to know if you think I’m cute. • Are you a bank loan? Because you got my interest. ...
29. Are you a parking ticket? Because you’ve got ‘FINE’ written all over you. 30. If beauty were time, you’d be an eternity. DirectTinder Pickup Lines 31. I’m not great at starting conversations. Do you want to help make this easier?