英文:Stop using those cheesy pickup lines and try a more natural approach to her. 英文同义表达: Chat-up line:这是“pickup line”的另一种常见表达,意思相同,都指为了吸引某人而说的巧妙话语。 Icebreaker:虽然这个词不完全等同于“pickup line”,但它也可以指一种用于打破沉...
这种情话,用英语说,叫做"pick up lines",有那么点儿“撩”的意思。土味呢,翻译过来,可以说是 "hilarious"(滑稽搞笑), 或者 "cheesy"(做作尴尬、多愁善感)。例如下面这种:Is your name "Wi-Fi"? Because I am feeling a connection.你的名字是叫做Wi-Fi吗?不然我怎么会有种“连接”的感觉呢。Is...
The best and most extensive collection of funny pick up lines on the web. Thousand’s of chat up lines organized into over eighty different categories. Learn these and you could become a master pickup artist!
The best pick up line is clever. If you manage to pull that off, you will be successful even if your humor is a little bit dirtier. Funny pick up lines work well with a bit of humor because they show you’re joking and you’re well-intentioned. If you don’t have an idea about ...
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aThe Busser creates a welcoming environment for our guests by ensuring the dining room is clean, free from trash and debris, and tables are set up properly. This person works within a team to clear and reset tables quickly between seatings. Additionally, the Busser refills bread and beverages...
pick up lines:【搭讪用语】的意思 pick up lines的例子:Are you a magnet because I'm attracted to you.(你是磁铁吗,要不然为什么你会这么吸引我。)注:说白了这就是泡妞的语句。