pick up是一个多功能的短语,具有多种含义: 拿起:例如,“Please pick up the book on the table.”(请拿起桌子上的书。) 接送:如,“I will pick you up at 8 pm.”(我晚上8点来接你。) 恢复或增加速度:比如,“The car picked up speed.”(车速加快了。) 学会:如,“She...
二、“pick up”的含义及用法 接某人:“pick up”常用于描述开车或步行去接某人。例如,“I'll pick you up at 8 pm.”(我晚上8点来接你。)这里指的是去接人的动作。 学会新技能:该短语还可以表示通过非正式或偶然的方式学会某种新技能或知识。如,“She picked up ...
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…自主归纳写出 中pick up的汉语意思①She stopped the car to pick up an old man.开车接人②Let's pick up where we left off yesterday.继续③ We were able to pick up the BBC World Service.接收④She picked up Spanish when she was living in Mexico.学会⑤ We managed to pick up a few...
pick up 1.to learn gradually, without formal teaching.I never studied Italian – I just picked it up when I was in Italy.aprender 2.to let (someone) into a car, trainetcin order to take him somewhere.I picked him up at the station and drove him home.recoger, pasar a buscar ...
S1.E39 ∙ Fuck Me in the BackseatMon, Nov 12, 2012 Add a plot RateAdd image S1.E40 ∙ Quick Buck for a FuckMon, Nov 19, 2012 Add a plot RateAdd image S1.E41 ∙ Hair Salon PickupMon, Nov 26, 2012 Add a plot RateAdd...
Please pick up your toys. (请把你的玩具捡起来。) His grades have really picked up since he started studying harder. (自从他开始努力学习以来,他的成绩真的提高了。) I'll pick you up at 8 p.m. (我将在晚上8点来接你。) She picked up Spanish quickly. (她很快就学会了西班牙语。) After...
例如:“She picked up some Spanish while traveling in Spain.”(她在西班牙旅行时学会了一些西班牙语。) 偶然获得:在某些语境下还可以表示偶然获得某种信息、信号或物品。 例如:“I picked up a great deal on a new car.”(我偶然间获得了一个优惠的购车机会。) 恢复健康:用于描述某人健康状况的改善或恢复...
pick up 1.to learn gradually, without formal teaching.I never studied Italian – I just picked it up when I was in Italy.aprender 2.to let (someone) into a car, trainetcin order to take him somewhere.I picked him up at the station and drove him home.recoger, pasar a buscar ...