The pick-up artist (1987)不好看,rdj在里面演了一个花蝴蝶般的异性恋搭讪狂魔男,除了萌以外一无是处,好像从出生起就应该被女人甩掉一万次以偿还自己的情债。看的时候觉得这就是典型我(最近开始才)喜欢看的“浪子突然栽别人手里”的剧情,但还是极度不爽:我觉得Rdj这个角色只是因为被无情拒绝,才会不断追求,有...
See The Pick-up Artist's production, company, and contact information. Explore The Pick-up Artist's box office performance, follow development, and track popularity with MOVIEmeter. IMDbPro — The essential resource for entertainment professionals.
The Pick-up Artist: Directed by James Toback. With Molly Ringwald, Robert Downey Jr., Dennis Hopper, Danny Aiello. A womanizer meets his match when he falls for a woman in debt to the mafia.
James Toback’s “The Pickup Artist” is an uneasy alliance of two incompatible groups of cliches. On the one hand we have the horny teenager movie, made no more palatable because the characters are slightly older and should know better by now. On the other hand, we have the desperate h...
pick-up artist. 据说电影《廊桥遗梦》向观众展示了一份精心编织的情感世界。然而,在某种意义上,与其说男主人公——《国家地理》杂志摄影师罗伯特•金凯是拯救已婚寂寞农妇的白马王子,不如说他是名副其实的泡良族。 “Pao liang zu”(泡良族)is an online buzzword, referring to a lowlife sleaze who ...
Most film enthusiasts will be familiar with the satisfaction of stumbling upon an older film, watching it, and finding an obscure hidden gem. The Pickup Artist, a 1987 drama by writer/director James Toback, is not that film. Frankly speaking, it should b
Master Pick Up Artist I Am Not a Hipster (2012) Stan Sheel Tayi Self The Pickup Artist (I) (2007) Erik von Markovik Self (as Erik Von Markovik) The Game (I)MOVIEmeter Members only Become a member to access additional data Try IMDbPro Premium for free Ratings Breakdown ...
The Pickup Artist: Rohit Arora द्वारा निर्देशित. Saasha Aery, Rohit Arora, Sidharth Bhardwaj, Anahita Bhooshan के साथ. The Curious Case of Missing Girls Investigated by a Maniac Cop.
pick-up artist 泡良族 It's said that the movie "The Bridges of Madison County" presents a richly-textured emotionaltapestry1. However, in some sense, the maleprotagonist2– the NationalGeographic3photographer Robert Kincaid who has won the lonely heart of a married country housewife, is not ...
The Pickup Artist 悬疑/ 惊悚 / 犯罪 Siddharth Bharadwaj /Sidharth Bhardwaj /甘达夫·德万 2020-10-16印度上映 / 111分钟 看过 简介 The Curious Case of Missing Girls Investigated by a Maniac Cop.