3. pick up VS pick out① She wasfrom thousands ofapplicants for the job.②Shesome French when she lived in Paris.③After a few day's rest, your health will(1)pick out只作及物动词,表示“挑选出;辨认出”。(2)pick up作及物动词,表示“捡起;接(某人);偶然学得”;作不及物动词,表示“好...
pick up VS pick out①Next you can __pick out the food you like and put them on your tray.② It is very difficult for a short-sighted man to ___pick up a needle from the ground.清 pick up表示“捡起,拾起”,pick out表示“挑出,辨别出”。2. take part in VS play a part in VS ...
🌟1️⃣ pick up 👀 - 整理,收拾房间或物品 - 收集,重新拾起或恢复 - 振作精神,提升状态 - 偶然获得或发现2️⃣ pick off 🎯 - 摘下,拔除不需要的部分 - 逐个瞄准并射中目标 - 拦截传球等运动动作3️⃣ pick out 🔍 - 挑选,分辨出特定物品或信息 - 弹奏曲调时凭听觉记忆 - 用特定颜...
比如,“pick up the trash”就是“捡起垃圾”,“pick up the pace”则是“加快步伐”。它还可以表示“接,取”或者“拾起”,比如“pick up the phone”就是“接电话”。此外,它还可以用来形容“学会”某项技能,而且是那种不费吹灰之力的学会。 pick out 🎨 这个短语的意思是“挑出”、“选出”或者“辨...
P696704. Korean Absolute Beginner Reading Practice - Checking Out Hotel Facilities 01:09 P697705. Korean Reading Practice for Beginners 00:35 P698706. Korean Absolute Beginner Reading Practice - Searching for a Bus Service 01:09 P699707. Learn New Korean Words in Just Seconds a Day 01:16 ...
As a verb,pick upliterally means to pick something up. It is an action verb and verb phrase with a one-word noun/adjective counterpart. A few other examples of this includerunawayandrun away,workoutandwork out, andpaybackandpay back. ...
asking myself again and again why I can’t think that way on it, beating myself up over it, analyzing it inside and out, telling myself I SHOULD think that way about it, generally, after I’ve done that for a few weeks, one day while I’m pondering it deeply I suddenly realize ...
The meaning of PICK is to pierce, penetrate, or break up with a pointed instrument. How to use pick in a sentence.
Synonyms for PICK UP: master, learn, get, understand, get the hang of, know, find out, search (for); Antonyms of PICK UP: forget, unlearn, miss, ignore, overlook, disregard, misunderstand, neglect
在线看BC One B-Boy Ahmedo vs PickUp 3分钟 19秒。29 9月 2013的高清视频,VK免费视频库免注册! 58 — 已浏览。 5 — 已评价。