opens registrations; register today for early bird discounts. Despite these setbacks, Pick n Pay’s clothing and online businesses have shown “solid momentum,” suggesting that while the Nigerian venture has not met expectations, other areas of the business are thriving. The company’s CEO, Sean...
Whenever you shop at your nearest branch or Pick n Pay Home, Pick n Pay Clothing, Pick n Pay QualiSave or Pick n Pay online stores, you’ll earn points. You can also earn points when shopping on asap! to make it even easier to save, however you prefer to shop. From groceries to ...
Pick 'n Pay超市旗舰店位于开普敦 V&A 滨水区的 Victoria Wharf 购物中心内。 超市早在2004年就亮相于南非开普敦,该门店除了服务当地居民之外还承载了多个商店测试项目。 事实上全球各地的消费者有其地域的消费特殊性但也有明显的共性,例如喜欢便捷的购物方式,希望商品性价比高、拥有良好的购物氛围等等。Pick 'n Pay...
Following the announcement in October that Pick n Pay would acquire on-demand delivery app Bottles, the company has officially come on board as the on-demand service of Pick n Pay Online. This allows customers to get their online grocery and liquor order delivered within 60 minutes and adds ...
亚马逊网络服务公司(AWS)近日宣布Pick n Pay(南非和其他选定非洲国家运营的领先零售企业)已将其整个本地信息技术(IT)基础设施迁移到 AWS。迁移到云端将使选择支付精简其运营并使其商店的供应链网络现代化,在全渠道杂货店开发新的数字客户体验,并扩展到新的业务领域。
最近南非最大的商超Pick n Pay 和 南非最大的电商网站Takealot签署了一项商业服务协议,允许客户在Takealot的旗下的Mr D应用程序的新平台上购买Pick n Pay食品、杂货和酒类。在这份声明联合申明中表示“Pick n Pay 将带来其在经营生鲜食品和杂货方面的丰富产品、其遍布全国的商店网络以及领先的 Smart Shopper 忠诚度...
金色财经报道,南非最大的连锁超市之一Pick n Pay已开始在其所有1628家门店接受比特币闪电网络付款。此前报道,去年11月,Pick n Pay表示已接受闪电网络付款。客户可通过比特币在全国39家商店中进行支付。...
独家:细观Pickn Pay 超市南非旗舰店 Pick 'n Pay超市旗舰店位于开普敦 V&A 滨水区的 Victoria Wharf 购物中心内。 超市早在2004年就亮相于南非开普敦,该门店除了服务当地居民之外还承载了多个商店测试项目。 事实上全球各地的消费者有其地域的消费特殊性但也有明显的共性,例如喜欢便捷的购物方式,希望商品性价比高、...
Meet the Super Animals, brought to you by Pick n Pay! Keep track of your Super Animals cards, unlock badges and earn rewards as your collection grows. Plus, wat…