pick a lock To open a lock by manipulating it with tools other than a key.It's very handy having someone who can pick a lock on the team.He picked the lock on his cell using nothing more than a paperclip. See also:lock,pick ...
but it quickly becomes one when you forget your keys, and you're locked out of your own house. At such a time, you're unlikely to have lock-picking tools in your pocket, but if you have a paper clip, you can make a paper clip lock pick. ...
How to pick a lock and make homemade lock picks, pin tumbler lock pick techniques, wafer locks, tubular locks and cars. Provides legality of burglary tools in US, pick templates, bump keys
Lock picking is the art of unlocking a lock by analyzing and manipulating the components of the lock device without the original key. In addition, ideal lock picking should not damage the lock itself, allowing it to be re-keyed for later use, which is especially important with antique locks ...
Shine a flashlight into the lock to look for the side that has the pins. If you can't feel them, push the paperclip inside the lock. Rake the sides of the lock with the paperclip to find the pins. Hold the pins with one paper clip. ...
7.To pierce or make (a hole) with a sharp pointed instrument. 8.To take up (food) with the beak; peck:The parrot picked its seed. 9.To steal the contents of:My pocket was picked. 10.To open (a lock) without the use of a key. ...
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Usestringtohangapapercliporothersmallobjectataboutchest(胸部)level. Pickupastick,suchasabroomhandle.Takethreeorfourstepsawayfromthepaperclip. Nowcloseoneeyeandwalktowardthepaperclip.Trytotouchitwiththetipofthestick.Ifyoumiss,tryagain,stillkeepingoneeyeclosed.Nowtryitwithbotheyesopenandseeifit’seasiertodo...
Use string to hang a paper clip or other small object at about chest(胸部)level. Pick up a stick,such as a broom handle. Take three or four steps away from the paper clip. Now close one eye and walk toward the paper clip. Try to touch it with the tip of the stick. If you miss...
The assembly is adapted to be inserted into the bed of the pickup truck to provide a secure cargo chest and a protective lining. The assembly is adapted to receive one or more chest lids hingedly and lockably attached to provide security and protection for the cargo in storage within the ...