For example, during the Intermission after the Saiyan Saga, a man in Orange City notes the recent commotion caused by the destruction of East City reminds him of King Piccolo. During the Intermission following the Frieza Saga, an old man in Olive Village in East Ravine tells the story of ...
Super Saiyan 4 Goku (Adult) | Credit: Toei AnimationIt was a return to the roots sort of series, and it is ‘canon’! Goku’s adventures in the Demon Realm and the inclusion of characters like Piccolo (who was relegated to the role of a spectator for far too long) made it all the...
Saga Age 756 Of The Dragon Ball Calendar How Old Goku Is In The Saiyan & Frieza Sagas Age 761-762 Of The Dragon Ball Calendar How Old Goku Is In The Android & Cell Sagas Age 764-767 Of The Dragon Ball Calendar How Old Goku Is In The Buu Saga Age 774 Of The Dragon Ball Calendar...