微流控商业化的国外的产品案例已经有很多了,像赛沛公司(被丹纳赫收购)的Xpert、GenMark Diagnostics(被罗氏收购)的 ePlex平台、Biofire公司(被生物梅里埃收购)的 FilmArray 和Abaxis公司(被硕腾收购)的Piccolo Xpress,而这四款产品国内公司也不乏一些学习的产品案例,但是小钱认为其中被“技术学习”最成功的案例就是Abaxi...
Piccolo Xpress系统将生化反应所涉及的样本的分离,稀释、制备、反应、检测等基本操作单元集成在一起。检测过程包括以下步骤:加入样本,定量样本和稀释液并转移到固定体积的腔体内,样本腔质控,定量稀释液,高速旋转样本和稀释剂以分层,毛细力和虹吸作用驱动样本和稀释剂进入混合室,生化仪的马达正反转使样...
商标名称 PICCOLO XPRESS 国际分类 第10类-医疗器械 商标状态 商标注册申请 申请/注册号 37740749 申请日期 2019-04-24 申请人名称(中文) 硕腾服务有限责任公司;ZOETISSERVICESLLC 申请人名称(英文) - 申请人地址(中文) 美国新泽西州07054帕西帕尼,森林路10号;10 SYLVAN WAY,PARSIPPANY,NJ 07054,USA 申请人地址(英...
与Piccolo血液化学分析仪或PiccoloXpress 化学分析仪一起使用的Piccolo ® 肾功能10 项检测试剂盘预期用于体外定量测定肝素化全血、肝素化血浆,或血清中的白蛋白、钙离子、氯 离子、肌酐、葡萄糖、磷、钾离子、钠离子、总二氧化碳和血尿素氮(BUN)的水平。 根据《临床实验室改进修正案》(CLIA)第88条规定,在本检测...
This is an Abaxis Piccolo Xpress Chemistry Analyzer. This analyzer runs all of the current profiles/discs currently available for this machine. This analyzer is in great condition with only minor normal wear. Overall, the system has been well cared for. We have a great deal of experience wit...
摘要: Liver Panel Plus analytes were evaluated on Piccolo Xpress chemistry analyzer.All analytes except bilirubin, amylase, and GGT showed acceptable performance for precision and interference in our pediatric population.关键词: Point of care testing Analytical performance Liver function tests Precision ...
AbaxisPiccoloxpressAbaxisPiccoloxpress Thepiccoloxpress™chemistrysystemiscompact andeasytotransport.Thesystemconsistsofa portableanalyzerandsingle-usedisposable reagentdiscs. ►Removethepiccoloxpress™chemistryanalyzerfromtheshipping carton.Placetheanalyzeronalevelsurfacethatisfreeofhair,dust, andothercontaminants....
K.L. Schnabl, M. Tarek, C. Cursio, P.M. Yip, Evaluation of the Piccolo Xpress chemistry analyzer for point of care testing of plasma liver function markers, electrolytes and metabolites, Clin. Biochem. 41 (2008) 1284-1285.
Abaxis Piccolo XpressObjectives To examine the analytical performance of 14 comprehensive metabolic panel analytes on the Abaxis Piccolo Xpress® Point of Care analyzer in serum, plasma, and whole blood. Design and methods Precision was evaluated by running two levels of control material over ...
Evaluation of the Piccolo Xpress chemistry analyzer for point of care testing of plasma liver function markers, electrolytes and metabolitesAtrial natriuretic peptideStabilityChronic heart failureObjective: Atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) is a key regulator in the homeostasis of water excretion and has ...