King Piccolo is the first person in the series to kill Shenron. The second was Towa in Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2. Since his appearance in the original manga, King Piccolo is known for to be the catalyst for a starting point in Dragon Ball. From its appearance, the story lost much of the...
No Comic Battle Can Shock Tite Kubo as Much as Akira Toriyama Did With Trunks’ First Appearance in Dbz Even years after the Dragon Ball series’ initial parts have ended, there are many moments that fans fondly reminisce about to this day. The Saiyan transformations and Spirit Bomb are some...
Dragon Ball Super, Episode 103, "Gohan, Get Ruthless! Showdown With The 10th Universe!' Universe 10 features some of the weakest participants in the Tournament of Power. It initially seemed like Rubalt might break this pattern due to his intimidating demeanor and orc-like appearance. Rubalt...
Main Website The Forum Dragon Ball Dragon Ball Super What was the point of Piccolo dying in Super? Piccolo gets eliminated in this episode 119 of Dragon Ball Super. First death: Nappa fired and attack at Gohan and Piccolo jumped in the way, saving Gohan but dies in the process....
At first, his new power upgrade does not make a change in his appearance but only in his inner strength. When fighting the Gamma 2 again, it was noticed that Piccolo could easily handle the Gamma 2 alone, which is almost as strong as the Saiyans. Although Piccolo did not say in which...
No Comic Battle Can Shock Tite Kubo as Much as Akira Toriyama Did With Trunks’ First Appearance in Dbz Even years after the Dragon Ball series’ initial parts have ended, there are many moments that fans fondly reminisce about to this day. The Saiyan transformations and Spirit Bomb are some...