📍 餐馆信息 餐馆名称:Piccola Cucina 地址:Viale Piave, 17, 20129 Milano MI, 意大利总的来说,Piccola Cucina是一家非常值得推荐的意大利餐馆,无论是菜品还是服务都让人印象深刻。0 0 发表评论 发表 作者最近动态 瘦猫山下的山风逆袭了 2024-12-02 森冈书店:旧书店的文艺复兴在东京的日本...全文 +2 瘦...
纽约美食 > 西餐 > SOHO区 > Piccola Cucina Piccola Cucina93 条评价 人均: 390 元 口味: 9.1 环境: 8.7 服务: 9.1 地址: 184 Prince St 电话: +1-212-62532** 更多信息 写评价 网友评价(93) 全部 图片(89) 好评(87) 中评(5) 差评(1) 独立鱼饼 人均:372元 前菜都特别好吃的一家纽约...
纽约美食 | Piccola Cucina 位于Soho便宜又好吃的意大利餐厅,工作日都有lunch special。除了少数几道菜,其它所有菜一律$10. 真的是白菜价!▫️Orecchiette Gamberi e Burrata 很喜欢Orecciette这个形状的pasta,有嚼劲。配料有小虾球🦐,burrata,小番茄🍅。小番茄已经完全和酱汁合二为一,面因为burrata而creamy,...
如果你在纽约寻找正宗的意大利菜,那么Piccola Cucina Uptown绝对是一个不容错过的地方。这家餐厅的地道程度,从服务员一口流利的意大利语就能感受到。🍤 前菜方面,我们点了鱿鱼,非常嫩滑,搭配的酱汁也非常美味。🍝 意面则有海鲜和番茄两种选择,每一种都香气扑鼻,让人难以忘怀。🐟 特别推荐他们家的柠檬鱼,简直...
Piccola意面,真值得一试? 最近去了一趟纽约,特意去打卡了大家都推荐的Piccola Cucina。说实话,个人觉得宣传有点夸张了。意面确实还不错,但要说纽约最好吃的意面,可能还差点意思吧。 店里的环境挺温馨的,但真的挺挤的,尤其是冬天穿得多的时候。我在Soho逛了一圈,买了不少东西,感觉像坐在小学课桌一样。于是我...
As our customers know, Piccola Cucina Restaurants are small but this is also our strenght: a cozy and familiar place where you can eat real Sicilian food and feel like home! Of course if you prefer a more confortable place and a lot of space this is not the right ...
Piccola Cucina Unclaimed 18 reviews #126of 311 Restaurants in Ingolstadt$,Italian,Pizza Otto-hahn-straße 1 Ingolstadt Village, 85055 Ingolstadt, Bavaria Germany +49 841 99335410+ Add website Write a Review Closed nowSee all hours Improve this listing...
Olio e più也很咸,Piccola Cucina也是咸上加咸,是意大利菜本来就很难吃吗?我不信it shouldn’t be, Italian food is basically Chinese food with cheese, how could it be this way?更别说曼哈顿和布鲁克林常常是一条街住满了西西里岛来的人,i don’t get it û收藏 转发 1 ...
Eventbrite - Italian Cultural & Community Center presents La Piccola Cucina: Occhi di Bue - Saturday, September 7, 2024 at The Italian Cultural & Community Center, Houston, TX. Find event and ticket information.
关于求意大利俚语的意思:La cucina piccola fa la casa grande。可以理解成,麻雀虽小五脏俱全的意思。举例,对饭店进行评价描述。Description: Small Italian eatery, guided by the saying "La cucina piccola fa la casa grande! Home made pasta, desserts, bakery and a wide range of artisanal ...