UsageAcute settings to administer fluid/medication rapidlyUsed for intermediate and long-term therapies like antibiotics or chemotherapy RELATED TOPIC: PICC Dressing Change Go to Cheat Sheet ➜ Free Download Nursing Cheat Sheet Understand the most common central line placements, PICC vs CVC. ...
PICC、中心静脉导管(CVC)可根据实际情况予相应处理或拔除。比如上述案例中,先采取积极对症治疗,视情况决定保留或拔除导管。 (3)药物治疗: ① 常规治疗 抬高患肢,使用黄酮类(如地奥司明)、七叶皂苷类、多磺酸粘多糖乳膏、水胶体敷料、50% 硫酸镁湿敷等有助...
PICC、中心静脉导管(CVC)可根据实际情况予相应处理或拔除。比如上述案例中,先采取积极对症治疗,视情况决定保留或拔除导管。 (3)药物治疗: ① 常规治疗 抬高患肢,使用黄酮类(如地奥司明)、七叶皂苷类、多磺酸粘多糖乳膏、水胶体敷料、50% 硫酸镁湿敷等有助消肿[6-7]。 Garcia-Expósito J, et al 的研究[8]...
中文检索词包括:中心静脉血管通路装置、PICC、导管堵塞等;英文检索词包括:central venous access device、PICC、central venous catheter、central venous line、clearance patency、occlusion、obstruction、dysfunction等。 1.2.2 纳入与排除标准 纳入标准:① 文献主题涉及PICC堵塞的评估、预防、处理和维护等;② 研究对象:...
14. Ullman AJ, Cooke ML, Mitchell M, Lin F, New K, Long DA, Mihala G, Rickard CM. Dressings and securement devices for central venous catheters (CVC). Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2015 Sep 10;(9):CD010367....
Twitter Google Share on Facebook PICC line acronym forperipherallyinsertedcentralcatheter; a long-term type that is inserted peripherally. Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012 Want to thank TFD for its existence?Tell a friend about us, add a link to this page, or visitthe webmaster...
PICC/CVC Catheter Fixation Device Category: Catheter Fixation Device Series Tel: +86-533-2156585 Inquiry Contact Details ◆ Product Details PICC/CVC Catheter Fixation Device is composed of body surface fixing base and catheter fixing base. According to different body surface fixing methods, it can ...
Follow this step-by-step guide on how to change a PICC line dressing, types of dressings, concerns, and supplies needed ➜
中文检索词包括:中心静脉血管通路装置、PICC、导管堵塞等;英文检索词包括:central venous access device、PICC、central venous catheter、central venous line、clearance patency、occlusion、obstruction、dysfunction等。 1.2.2 纳入与排除标准 纳入标准:① 文献主题涉及PICC堵塞的评估、预防、处理和维护等;② 研究对象:...
PICC and CVC Securement .3"-.75" wide Line 14 - 40Fr 100/box 2200NUZA Extra Small PICC and Line Securement .175" - 1" wide Lines 16-40Fr 50/box Grip-Lok Foley Catheter Securement Secures the catheter in a channel created by a foam insert and loop strap. Resources:• Instructions...