Things like internal pullups, interrupt on change, bidirectional control, etc. It really is like sticking another 16 pins on your PIC. Good stuff! If I was to find fault with the port expander it would be to question the choice of SPI. The whole point of a port expander is to add ...
Now that gets me to thinking: Here is a neat trick to get a 'push-pull' output from two PORT A pins: 1: define them as analog (ADCON1) 2: TRIS them as outputs. Now, when you BSF either of them the other will automatically be cleared. (Huh ? I thought PICs didn't have ...
Even if you do not directly click on these pop-ups, you might do so accidentally, so you should get rid of the ads ASAP. Other push notification scams Push notification scams are widespread and are probably one of the most common online fraud types you might encounter while browsing the ...
As for the switches, each has a pull-up resistor, R11 through R22. These ensure that the PIC isn’t looking at input lines bobbing about in an indeterminate state. There’s a lot of repetition here, but really it’s nothing more than 12 switch elements and 12 pull-ups. Let’s check...
Microchip believes that its family of products is one of the most secure families of its kind on the market today, when used in the intended manner and under normal conditions. There are dishonest and possibly illegal methods used to breach the code protection feature. All of these methods, ...
Quiz Pic Close Ups will test your skills with greatly magnified objects! Each level shows a zoomed in image, all you have to do is figure out what the picture is of! OVER 100 LEVELS! Enjoy!What’s New Version History Version 1.0 This app has been updated by Apple to display the Ap...
How well do you know the superstars of wrestling? Get to the top of the GameCenter's rankings and show the world that you are a champion of epic proportion - a true hero of WPQ - Wrestling! Disclaimer: All images in this app are licensed under CC BY 2.0 and belong to their respectiv...
Can be software programmed for internal weak pull-ups on all inputs. C1RX C1TX C2RX C2TX I ST ECAN1 bus receive pin. O — ECAN1 bus transmit pin. I ST ECAN2 bus receive pin. O — ECAN2 bus transmit pin. PGED1 PGEC1 PGED2 PGEC2 PGED3 PGEC3 I/O ST Data I/O pin for ...
A good example of this is the need to manage the compute infrastructure and design automation tools used to design next-generation PICs. Leveraging the SaaS Model for Photonic Start-Ups Synopsys is working to make this trade-off easier for photonic start-ups by offering its Synopsys Opto...
Each bit is the field name appended with the number of the bit position within the field. For example, the Most Significant mode bit has the short bit name MD2 and the long bit name is G1MD2. The following two examples demonstrate assembly program sequences for setting the COG1 to Push...