There's only a 1mA load on the output of the 5V regulator? When I shut off the LED and other unneeded stuff, it is actually much less than 1mA danadak said: Basically unload PIC from un-necessary operations. that are irrelevant to saving and shutting down. Thanks Dana re the cal...
Liberty and Bash (1989) [ 演员 ] 导演: Myrl A. Schreibman 主演: 迈尔斯·欧科飞 Miles O'Keeffe / Mitzi Kapture / Lynnette Mettey / 卢·弗... 完美的谋杀 (1997) [ 演员 ] 导演: 罗伯特-迈克尔·路易斯 Robert Michael Lewis 主演: Mitzi Kapture / 杰斯米·盖 Jasmine Guy / 尼克·瑟...