"The retrospective special will tell an enchanting making-of story through all-new in-depth interviews and cast conversations, inviting fans on a magical first-person journey through one of the most beloved film franchises of all time," a press release from HBO Max reads. The special will cel...
"The retrospective special will tell an enchanting making-of story through all-new in-depth interviews and cast conversations, inviting fans on a magical first-person journey through one of the most beloved film franchises of all time," a press release from HBO Max reads....
One of the most iconic performers of the 1930s, Shirley Temple made her film debut at the age of 3 in "Baby Burlesks." Several film roles followed, including the career-making "Bright Eyes," in which Temple performed her signature song "On the Good Ship Lollipop." The dimpled darling ...
One of the most iconic performers of the 1930s, Shirley Temple made her film debut at the age of 3 in "Baby Burlesks." Several film roles followed, including the career-making "Bright Eyes," in which Temple performed her signature song "On the Good Ship Lollipop." The dimpled darling ...
When Love Kills: The Seduction of John Hearn (1993) [ 演员 ] 导演: 拉里·埃利坎 Larry Elikann 主演: 玛格·海根柏格 Marg Helgenberger / 盖瑞·科尔 Gary Cole / 格雷格·亨利 G... 吾识吾名 (1989) [ 演员 ] 导演: Larry Elikann 主演: 辛迪·皮克特 Cindy Pickett / 约翰·阿什顿 John...
Root of All Evil(2008)[ 演员 ] 导演:Scott Carter 主演:Lewis Black / Andrew Daly / Greg Giraldo 在看看过 别惹佐汉(2008)[ 演员 / 制片人 / 编剧 ] 导演:Dennis Dugan 主演:Adam Sandler / John Turturro / Emmanuelle Chriqui / Lainie Kazan / Rob Schneider / Mariah Carey ...