Yamaha Arius Digital PianoThe article offers brief information on the Arius YDP-161B digital piano from Yamaha Corp.Choral Director
Shop the ARIUS YDP-165 digital piano by Yamaha featuring 88 weighted keys for a luxuriously expressive playing feel and the sound of a Yamaha CFX concert grand piano.
Specs for the ARIUS YDP-165 digital piano by Yamaha featuring 88 weighted keys for an expressive playing feel and the sound of a CFX concert grand piano.
Yamaha/雅马哈YDP-S34ARIUS系列电钢琴 雅马哈品牌 北京恒永盛经贸有限公司 3年 查看详情 ¥1.00万 安徽阜阳 郎朗同款TheONE智能钢琴TOP2演奏88键擒纵结构立式重锤电钢琴 同款 立式 颍上卓越品牌 颍上卓越电子商务有限公司 4年 查看详情 ¥4303.00/件 广东广州 珠江艾茉森V03/V05S电钢琴重锤88键成人儿童初学家用...
YDP-145 [ARIUS系列]New 建议零售价: YDP-145B/R/WH: 6,499元 ARIUS数码钢琴的标准尺寸,88键逐级配重键盘。雅马哈的CFX音乐会三角钢琴音色,通过GHS键盘演奏出充盈的表现力。新的听力友好功能,并兼容雅马哈Smart Pianist App。 精心采样自雅马哈旗舰CFX三角钢琴。
The YDP-144 offers a grand piano-like experience with its CFX concert grand sounds and its stereophonic optimizer allows players to play the natural sounds of an acoustic piano with the help of this digital piano.What’s Best in Yamaha Arius YDP-144? Renders the powerful resonance and ambient...
Kraft Music - Yamaha Arius YDP-S31 Digital Piano DemoArius ariusConscientious Marine Aquarist
YDP-S35 [ARIUS系列]New 建议零售价: YDP-S35B/WH/WA: 5,999元 ARIUS数码钢琴的纤薄款,88键逐级配重键盘。雅马哈的CFX音乐会三角钢琴音色,通过GHS键盘演奏出充盈的表现力。新的听力友好功能,并兼容雅马哈Smart Pianist App。琴盖关闭后成为平坦的桌面。
App for the ARIUS YDP-145 digital piano by Yamaha featuring 88 weighted keys for an expressive playing feel and the sound of a CFX concert grand piano.
Shop the ARIUS YDP-145 digital piano by Yamaha featuring 88 weighted keys for an expressive playing feel and the sound of a Yamaha CFX concert grand piano.