1706 John Machin developed a formula for calculating Pi to an arbitrary number of decimal places: John MachinMachin's Formulapi 100-digit Pi June 1, 2013tomcircle Elementary Math 1 Comment One fine day when we reach above 80 years old, if the doctor accuses us of having dementia, then...
This is a great app but it really needs options to change the entry to a standard touch tone keyboard. Also, the sound made when you touch a number is highly annoying and needs options to something more subtle like a click. Otherwise nice app but please make improvements if you wish peop...
binary 1/binary 0 – write the digit, not the number BIOS – Basic Input/Output System bitstream BlackBerry – a Research In Motion (RIM) trademark, so note capitalisation, plural: BlackBerry. BlackBerrys is not correct and can be used only as part of a direct quotation. blog Blogger –...
Sample Videos from the Course Number of 3's When we write down numbers from 1 to 100, how many times does the digit 3 get written down? Twin Primes Prove that sum of two twin primes will always be a multiple of 12. 200th Digit What is the 200th digit of the number ...
Sample Videos from the Course Number of 3's When we write down numbers from 1 to 100, how many times does the digit 3 get written down? Twin Primes Prove that sum of two twin primes will always be a multiple of 12. 200th Digit What is the 200th digit of the number ...
Sefton Council has successfully prosecuted Britannia Hotels after a guest at one of its hotels fell through rusted iron railings which were missing in one location and badly corroded in numerous other areas. The company had failed to make the area safe over three weeks after the accident...Loca...
Ambient temperature sensing and 7-segment LED display Using LM35 sensor we read the ambient temperature. We display this on three 7-segment LEDs. To reduce the number of wires from controller board to LEDs, we use a shift register. We light up one digit at a time, thus minimizing current...
In honour of my daughter’10th birthday I have chosen your birthday cake to pay for. Each year I do this random act of kindness because I am unable to buy my daughter a cake of her own. Today is her big double digit birthday.Please enjoy your day.” By Kyle’s own admission,the wh...
Whilst the box doesn’t have that much CPU, everything should be served direct from memory so we should be able to keep those CPUs nice and busy. I have a plan to add lots of quad core web processing boxes on the front if it turns out to be necessary. ...
to an automated irrigation system based on a non-contact computer vision system to enhance the irrigation process and reduce the need for human intervention. The proposed system is based on a stand-alone Raspberry Pi camera imaging system mounted at an agricultural research facility which monitors ...