我目前所在的企业,开发流程采用了企业级的Scrum框架SAFe(scaled agile framework),它相对于经典Scrum流程,增加了许多环节,其中一个就是PI Planning。PI Pllanning是针对一个PI,通常是6个Sprint中的5个正常的开发Sprint的范围作计划,剩下的1个IP Sprint用于PI Planning、Innovation和修bug等等。 刚接触SAFe流程时,我最...
PI Planning is an event on SAFe that ensures all the teams on an ART, stakeholders, and leaders are aligned to a shared mission and vision.
piplanning.io by Scaled Agile Inc. works with Jira Cloud, Jira Data Center 9.1.0 - 9.1.1, Jira Cloud, Jira Data Center 9.1.0 - 9.1.1 and more Discover more Free app OVERALL RATINGS 4 /4 (2) SUPPORT Partner Supported View for: Cloud...
Sprint Planning可以说是整个流程中最重要的一步了,在这一步会理清需求,消除尽可能多的不确定因素,从而确定下来整个Sprint任务的范围进而分配任务到个人,让团队能够稳定的交付。我目前所在的企业,开发流程采用了企业级的Scrum框架SAFe(scaled agile framework),它相对于经典Scrum流程,增加了许多环节,其中一个就是PI Plan...
SAFe(Scaled Agile Framework)敏捷框架中的PI Plan(Program Increment Planning)是一个面向团队的核心活动,旨在通过系统化的规划和执行,确保多个敏捷团队能够共同制定和实现业务目标。本报告将对PI Plan进行总结,概述其关键步骤、作用、挑战以及成功案例。 二、PI Plan的关键步骤 PI Plan通常在一个固定的时间段(PI,通常...
In-person PI Planning — Everyone on the Agile Release Train (ART) is in one location (collocated). The planning is done face-to-face, in “a big room”, using physical tools. This format was the recommended and most common format before COVID-19. Distributed PI Planning (Scenario ...
PI Planning is a core event in the Scaled Agile Framework. Whether you’re new to the topic or looking to brush up, our guide covers everything you need to know — everything from what PI planning stands for to how you can run a successful session. Let’s jump in. Try Miro now Opt...
Planning retrospective and moving forward –Finally, the STE leads a brief retrospective of the pre- and post- PI planning sessions to capture what went well, what didn’t, and what could be done better next time. Then, subsequent steps are discussed, including capturing objectives, use of a...
SAFe提示:PI计划工具包可以从Scaled Agile社区站点获得,其中包括一个团队花名册。用它来记录所有团队中个人的位置,并将其包含在PI计划的第一天的讲义中。此外,还要包含每个地点的时差细节。在计划PI计划活动所需的技术和后勤支持时,这将是一个关键的参考。
Breadth vs. depth planning Good objectives start early Iteration plans from PI Planning are “what if?” scenarios Raise the levels evenly Preconceived is pre-committed—limit pre-PI PlanningBreadth vs. Depth PlanningDuring PI Planning, the Agile teams are instrumental in converting the ART vision ...