我目前所在的企业,开发流程采用了企业级的Scrum框架SAFe(scaled agile framework),它相对于经典Scrum流程,增加了许多环节,其中一个就是PI Planning。PI Pllanning是针对一个PI,通常是6个Sprint中的5个正常的开发Sprint的范围作计划,剩下的1个IP Sprint用于PI Planning、Innovation和修bug等等。 刚接触SAFe流程时,我最...
PI Planning is an event on SAFe that ensures all the teams on an ART, stakeholders, and leaders are aligned to a shared mission and vision.
Sprint Planning可以说是整个流程中最重要的一步了,在这一步会理清需求,消除尽可能多的不确定因素,从而确定下来整个Sprint任务的范围进而分配任务到个人,让团队能够稳定的交付。我目前所在的企业,开发流程采用了企业级的Scrum框架SAFe(scaled agile framework),它相对于经典Scrum流程,增加了许多环节,其中一个就是PI Plan...
SAFe(Scaled Agile Framework)敏捷框架中的PI Plan(Program Increment Planning)是一个面向团队的核心活动,旨在通过系统化的规划和执行,确保多个敏捷团队能够共同制定和实现业务目标。本报告将对PI Plan进行总结,概述其关键步骤、作用、挑战以及成功案例。 二、PI Plan的关键步骤 PI Plan通常在一个固定的时间段(PI,通常...
PI Planning: the ultimate guide PI Planning is a core event in the Scaled Agile Framework. Whether you’re new to the topic or looking to brush up, our guide covers everything you need to know — everything from what PI planning stands for to how you can run a successful session. Let...
Definition:PI Objectives summarize the business and technical goals that teams and trains intend to achieve in the upcoming PI and are either committed or uncommitted. DuringPI Planning, teams create PI objectives they intend to accomplish in the upcomingPI. These provide several benefits: ...
Depending upon the scope and complexity of the solution, some organizations will find this pattern to be too simplistic and may require multiple pre-PI planning sessions to be done 4-6 weeks in advance. Remember, SAFe is a framework and use its principles as a guide to adapt your planning ...
PI Planning Four Different Ways Before we go any further, it is essential to define the four types of PI Planning that are now commonly occurring: In-person PI Planning — Everyone on the Agile Release Train (ART) is in one location (collocated). The planning is done face-to-face...
Program Increment (PI) Planning, which is part of the Scaled Agile Framework (SaFe), is a collaborative process that helps to align all teams working within an Agile Release Train (ART) toward a shared mission. PI planning takes place in a live, collaborative meeting. These sessions are ofte...
SAFe中没有魔法,也许除了PI Planning。 —— 匿名 PI Planning Program Increment (PI) Planning 是一个有节奏的,面对面的活动,它是敏捷发布火车(ART)的心跳,将ART上的所有团队对齐到共同的使命和愿景之下。 PI Planning对于SAFe来说至关重要:如果你没有在做PI Planning,那么你就没有在做SAFe。