1、电脑端:下载安装运行Docker Desktop。Docker Desktop for Windows版本: 选支持 64 位的 Windows 10 Pro,win10版本 v1903以下需开启 Hyper-V 2、电脑端:windows防火墙Defender设置入站规则;固定电脑端IP 3、路由器端:设置端口映射(也叫虚拟服务器设置,打开31400-31409端口到计算机端);确认路由器直连公网;电脑端...
https://desktop.docker.com/win/main/amd64/Docker%20Desktop%20Installer.exe 下载完成后点击直接安装 这一步安装完成后,有可能重启电脑,然后点击桌面上的Docker Desktop图标继续。 此时没有容器,安装Pi节点软件后会自动创建容器,安装完节点后请仔细看下面这段话: (当第一次装完节点软件时,不停的点“Check now...
DeskTop客户端 Op-Set客户端 PortHole客户端 Pi Node Port Config Pi Node Forwarder 检测31400-31409端口工具 正向代理检测 指定端口检测工具 Tcpview(电脑TCP+UDP端口监检程序) π节点运行状态查询工具 Pi Network节点运行状态检测工具(Pi派节点网旗下平台)...
Pi Network官方节点地址:https://node.minepi.com/node/ 完成后安装PI NODE软件 2.下载Docker桌面软件 进入docker桌面官方网站,打开红色圈圈的Download for windows;即可下载 docker桌面官方地址:https://www.docker.com/products/docker-desktop 完成后安装docker桌面软件(重启电脑) 3.安装Linux内核软件wsl2 电脑重启...
• Node. A user who is a pioneer, a contributor using the Pi mobile app, and is also running the Pi node software on their desktop or laptop computer. The Pi node software is the software that runs the core SCP algorithm, taking into account the trust graph information provided by the...
Desktop app- Used for discovering the Raspberry Pi and as an example of basic network TCP and UDP commands. Web app- A responsive web UI to control the Raspberry Pi audio through phones and web browsers. This is an easier alternative than building a from-scratch mobile app. ...
If you download the package and compile it, you can deploy it to the Raspberry Pi and run it (yes, you can run the program in the exact same way you would on a desktop). By the way, you should try using the controls in the device—they work fine....
• Keep track of your network (internal IP, external IP, MAC address, subnet, etc.) • Easy Remote Desktop connection to your Pi (from your Mac, PC or phone) • Setup Wifi on your Pi • Scan Bluetooth devices and control the Pis BT visibility ...
需要在(Raspberry Pi OS (Legacy) with desktop)系统中使用(xplay)多媒体播放器,因为(Legacy)系统支持(VideoCore IV)。基于云发布的多媒体播放器(uplay)可以云端集中管理(Win、Linux、ARM)设备上的多媒体播放器 uplay(这个不是免费的)联系(QQ328292201)欢迎试用 ......
3-17.1 WPS Office Arm 64-bit Desktop Installation NoteGet the install package from download repo's "APP" folder, after extracting the installation package, go to the installation package directory.Then connect to the public network and execute the following command as the root user:...