如果有人能帮我,我会很高兴的。谢谢..。我就是这样做的: accelgyro.getAcceleration(&ax, &ay, &az); //Low Pass Filter fXa = ax * alpha + (fXa * (1.0 - alpha)); fYa = ay * alpha + (fYa * (1.0 - alpha)); 浏览4提问于2014-10-26得票数 1 回答已采纳 1回答 在地球上选择随机点...
It also acts as a low pass filter. Another kind of pi-network, one where a capacitor works with two inductors to ground acts as a high pass filter. The impedance of the device there may be nominally 50 ohms, but in a real world situation it in fact may vary a lot. MMICs may ...
This Pi filter calculator is used as LC low pass filter for impedance matching.It takes cutoff frequency (fc) and Z0 as input and calculates L (inductance) and C (capacitance) values.