找到LAN 设置下面的 DHCP/DNS 设置,然后将你的主 DNS 服务器的 IP 地址设置为你的 Pi-hole 的 IP 地址。设置完成之后,它应该你下图的样子: 关于这一步的更多信息,可以查看Pi-hole discourse。 你还需要确保你的 Pi-hole 始终保持相同的 IP 地址,因此,你需要去查看 DHCP 设置,将你的树莓派的 IP 地址条目...
General Infos regarding your Pi-hole and network setup I'm using only static IP adresses in my home-network because this is essential for the "Client group management" (Web-GUI: "Group management" > "Clients"). It's essential to turn off "private wifi address" on iOS and the pendant...
1. Pi-hole supports IPv6, how to set up IPv6 DNS Server? Go to [IPv6] -> [IPv6 DNS Setting], enter Pi-Hole IPv6 IP address on IPv6 DNS server and click [Apply] to save. General IPv6 setting information, please refer to[IPv6] How to set up IPv6 in ASUS Router? 2. What...
PIHOLE_DOMAINlan<domain>Domain name sent by the DHCP server. DHCP_IPv6false<"true"|"false">Enable DHCP server IPv6 support (SLAAC + RA). DHCP_rapid_commitfalse<"true"|"false">Enable DHCPv4 rapid commit (fast address assignment).
IP address and the host name!<br>";}if(strlen($hostname)==0)$hostname="nohost";if(strlen($ip)==0)$ip="noip";// Test if this lease is already includedreadStaticLeasesFile();foreach($dhcp_static_leasesas$lease){if($lease["hwaddr"]===$mac){$error.="Static release for MAC ...
Pi-hole体验 在浏览器中输入 【http:// NAS的本地IP:端口号】 就能看到登录界面了,端口号就是我们前面部署命令中设置的管理页端口号。 打开之后提示输入密码,输入我们前面部署命令中自己设置的管理页密码,点“Log in”即可登录。 上图便是Pi-hole的主页面。因为我们还没有加入DNS规则,所以这里的拦截服务还没有...
Pi-hole默认开启IPv6功能,若要在其中禁用IPv6,可按照以下步骤操作: 登录到Pi-hole服务器,编辑/etc/pi-hole/rules.conf文件。 在该文件中找到ipv6条目,将其注释(#)去掉。 # ipv6 保存并退出文件。 重启Pi-hole服务器,使更改生效。 sudo systemctl restart pi-hole ...
-e ServerIP=NAS IP -->填写NAS的本地真实IP地址; -e WEB_PORT=管理页端口 -->随意设置,不和本地其它端口冲突即可; -v /volume1/Docker/pihole/pihole:/etc/pihole -->冒号前面映射我们前面新建“pihole”文件夹的本地实际路径; -v /volume1/Docker/pihole/dnsmasq.d:/etc/dnsmasq.d -->冒号前面...
Posted: Sun Nov 15, 2020 2:48 Post subject: [IPv6/dnsmasq/pihole]How to setup ULA address distribution? Hi all, I've had this problem for a really long time without finding a good enough solution. My ISP uses prefix delegation and therefore my devices can't get stable IPv6 addresse...
This app is a great way to view and manage your pi-hole. The design choices make everything you need up at the front of the app and it blends in well with iOS. You can view the tail of a particular IP address really easily and the details on each dns request are really helpful, ...