1. Pi-hole supports IPv6, how to set up IPv6 DNS Server? Go to [IPv6] -> [IPv6 DNS Setting], enter Pi-Hole IPv6 IP address on IPv6 DNS server and click [Apply] to save. General IPv6 setting information, please refer to[IPv6] How to set up IPv6 in ASUS Router? 2. What...
Posted: Sun Nov 15, 2020 2:48 Post subject: [IPv6/dnsmasq/pihole]How to setup ULA address distribution? Hi all, I've had this problem for a really long time without finding a good enough solution. My ISP uses prefix delegation and therefore my devices can't get stable IPv6 addresse...
1.使用命令安装curl-sSL https://install.pi-hole.net | bash回车后等待 直接回车确认 捐赠地址,直接回车跳过 回车跳过 选用一个首选DNS服务器。Google就可以了(如果是和作者网络架构类似,局域网内有一个LEDE提供网关和DNS,这里强烈推荐使用自定义并且填写LEDE的WAN口IP) 回车 家里没IPV6 移动到IPV6上按空格取消...
找到LAN 设置下面的 DHCP/DNS 设置,然后将你的主 DNS 服务器的 IP 地址设置为你的 Pi-hole 的 IP 地址。设置完成之后,它应该你下图的样子: 关于这一步的更多信息,可以查看Pi-hole discourse。 你还需要确保你的 Pi-hole 始终保持相同的 IP 地址,因此,你需要去查看 DHCP 设置,将你的树莓派的 IP 地址条目...
1.使用命令安装curl-sSL https://install.pi-hole.net | bash回车后等待 直接回车确认 捐赠地址,直接回车跳过 回车跳过 选用一个首选DNS服务器。Google就可以了(如果是和作者网络架构类似,局域网内有一个LEDE提供网关和DNS,这里强烈推荐使用自定义并且填写LEDE的WAN口IP) 回车 ...
Pi-hole默认开启IPv6功能,若要在其中禁用IPv6,可按照以下步骤操作: 登录到Pi-hole服务器,编辑/etc/pi-hole/rules.conf文件。 在该文件中找到ipv6条目,将其注释(#)去掉。 # ipv6 保存并退出文件。 重启Pi-hole服务器,使更改生效。 sudo systemctl restart pi-hole ...
Just install Pi-Hole on a cheap Raspberry pi3, set the default DNS address in your modem/router to the ip address of the pi3 and you’re good to go. More info on their website: https://pi-hole.net/ If you have a Fritzbox modem you might want to change the following settings (I...
Hello everyone, I have just installed the image on my QNAP NAS. So far it runs fine, but unfortunately my pihole gets no ipv6 address, although this is both in the container station and in the pihole configuration on. Unfortunately, I do not know any further and would be grateful for...
A black hole for Internet advertisements. Contribute to qifu99/pi-hole development by creating an account on GitHub.
tail -f /var/log/pihole.log | sed -E \ -e "s,($(date +'%b %d ')| dnsmasq[.*[0-9]]),,g" \ -e "s,(.*(gravity.list|black.list| config ).* is (${IPV4_ADDRESS%/*}|${IPV6_ADDRESS:-NULL}).*),${COL_RED}&${COL_NC}," \ -e "s,.*(query\\[A|DHCP).*...