The inputs of fuzzy logic controller are the error between the measured currents and the reference values in rotating reference frame, and the derivation of regulated voltage. The effectiveness of proposed controller strategy has been verified by simulation with PSIM software and compared with that ...
and estimated voltage, the response characteristics of the DC output voltage according to the DC voltage references, the FFT results of the estimated voltage and current, efficiency, and the response characteristics of the conventional PI controller and fuzzy-PI controller are verified by PSIM ...
The duty cycle of the Boost converter is controlled by PI Controller. A 50W/50KHz soft switched PWM Boost converter is simulated and analyzed. The results are simulated using PSIMJoseph X.FelixKumar S.PushpaDominic D.ArunD.M.Mary Synthia Regis Prabha...
In this paper, a new method of SVPWM implementation for 3-Phase 3-Leg 3-Level AC/DC converter known as the Vienna converter is proposed. Also the performances of PI and PR controller used in AC input current controller are compared. To verify the proposed method, PSIM, a power electronics...
ROLAND Controller P42AGSHYDAC 阀 CX07-2/2-F/C-2/15/160/12/PV-24V ExCFarris Engineering relief valve 2600 Series pressure relief valve; MFR:Farris Engineering; Valve Model:26LA10L-120S4; Valve Size:3"# X 4"#; SET POINT: 90PSI;Valve Serial No.:563222-1-A14HYDAC 两位三通电磁阀 WS...
PSIMIn this paper, the proposed SIMO (Single input multiple outputs) DC-DC converter based on coupled inductor. The required controllable high DC voltage and intermediate DC voltage with high voltage gain from low input voltage sources, like renewable energy, can be achieved easily from the ...
For PI controller PSIM software is used. For fuzzy and hybrid PSIM MATLAB interface is used. Speed is controlled by varying iq and id is grounded. Park's and Clarke's transformation is used. It is observed that the performance of vector controlled PMSM drive with these hybrid fuzzy PI ...