HTX (formerly Huobi) was one of the first crypto exchanges to launch Pi coin IOU contracts in December 2022. After an initial surge to $264, the pair has been in a tailspin since then. The current price of $36.49 also seems to be overvalued, considering the huge circulating supply of P...
According to me, Pi should be less than a dollar in value. Is Pi a good buy for 2024 & beyond? I would say there are better cryptocurrencies to buy rather than investing your money in Pi. The recent surge is the price is not going to stay a long term. We are expecting the price...
This is the million-dollar question. The two founders of Pi Coin both have PhD’s from Stanford. And Stanford does have a bit of a reputation forcutting edge experiments. So we’re not ruling out that this is nothing more than an experiment. Furthermore, Pi Coin’s head of technology i...
So I got invite for this Pi coin so that you can mine on your phone. This is real and how safe would running this app on a phone? Anyone else heard of them? Just imagine. Are all the people who buy thousand dollar graphics cards and even more expensive stuff, fools? There is obv...
When you start the app, you will be “mining” at the rate of 0.25 Pi per hour. You will need invite a lot of your friends to increase your mining power/hashrate. The more people sign up using your affiliate code the more mining power you will get. ...
It takes 2 seconds and hell if it’s worth a dollar one day bet, if it is a scam? I didn’t really lose anything. 2 seconds a day isn’t that large, sure you can multiply that out for the whole year but it doesn’t make a difference to me. I’ve never really had the hope...
It is important to understand that credit card transactions, whether conducted through a TPPP or other financial organization, do not need to be significant in amount to be considered suspicious or unusual. For example, there might be a high number of small dollar transactions, repeat customers or...
Then what was meant by an everlasting love would eventually end up in a sort of interdependence. We used to insist on the difference between love and liking. The former seemed much more beautiful than the latter. One day, however, it turns out there’s really no need to make such differe...
Mind that I don’t want to start milking every potential dollar out of my activities – I havenon-negotiable ethical values. Second, if everything goes well in six months (more likely 5, even something less) my wife will give birth to two kids. She might need help even before. I migh...
and I could see right away that she was about a dollar short. With a quick wink to the clerk, I slipped a dollar bill onto the counter and signaled the clerk to ring up the sale. The child scooped her uncounted change into her coin purse, grabbed her package and scurried out the doo...