Raspberry Pi 4|Risc Os For Raspberry Pi|Open-Source & Multi-Mode:Open-source MMDVM supports multiple digital voice modes, ensuring versatility for amateur radio enthusiasts. Advanced Features:Includes a built-in FM repeater controller and supports D-Star and DMR modes, with plans for...
Credit must also be given to to Kim Heinz Hübel; DG9VH, and Hans-Juergen Barthen; DL5DI, both of whom arguably created the very first MMDVM and ircDDBGatweay dashboards (respectively); of which, spawned the entire Pi-Star concept. The very cool and welcome MMDVMhost log backup/restore...
Was a bit tired looking at the bare Raspberry Pi 2 with the MMDVM board, so I started looking for a case. Most of the dedicated hotspot cases I looked at had something I really didn’t like, ended up finding a regular Pi case, made the purchase and with a a 5 minute mod was able...