The increasing demand for rare earth elements (REEs) for modern industry has led to a surge in mining activities and consequently has released these metals into the environment. Intensifying REEs in a habitat has impacts on its ecosystem, but on the other side, it also provides the opportunity...
The research work aims to determine the potential for phytomining of rare earth elements by naturally occurring plants in reclaimed tailing ponds. In the soil samples, the concentrations of cerium (Ce), lanthanum (La), and gadolinium (Gd) exceeded the average content of t...
With the development of phytoremediation technology, "phytomining" or "agromining", a new technology that extract valuable metals (such as nickel, gold, and rare earth elements) with hyperaccumulators or crops from lean ore or metal-rich soil, has gradually attracted the attention of academic and...
However, a working technology to get gold out of plants is less well described. In a recent review of the status of phytomining, Robinson et al. described how working models for the construction of infrastructure to process metal-rich biomass to yield saleable metal are lacking [13]. Gold ...